Latrobe Leisure have recently launched a multi-year business plan to guide the operations and strategic direction of council’s insourced facilities.

Latrobe City is a local government area in the Gippsland region of Victoria and encompasses the four major towns of Moe, Morwell, Traralgon and Churchill - each with large-scale aquatic and leisure facilities.
The multi-year business plan has been developed with a focus on three key areas:
Growth Building on existing revenues and facility attendances
Impact Increasing alignment with planned council health and wellbeing initiatives
Accessibility Increasing accessibility of current and planned programs for members of the community
The development of this business plan was led by Incrementum Advisory Group who engaged facility staff across all levels of operations.
Critically, Incrementum also engaged key leaders of other council departments who had a range of interdependent objectives that could be integrated into the final Latrobe Leisure Business Plan.
Latrobe City Council Manager of Active Communities and Partnerships, Shay Ferguson, spoke positively on the experience of working with Incrementum especially when it came to navigating the dual-operator model which the council operates under.
“Latrobe City operates facilities under a dual-operator model which can raise additional challenges beyond a more traditional insourced or outsourced model,” Ferguson said.
“Cain’s experience in managing large-scale facilities in both metro and regional areas, as well as his high-level executive experience, allowed him to easily cut through layers of complexity to reach solutions that were in the best interest of our community.”
Incrementum Advisory Group can support the development of strategies which ensure that council-owned leisure facilities stand for more than just attendances and revenue, delivering on critical community objectives contained across all council strategies and plans.
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